Monday, June 13, 2011

Monday's Wash Day

Day 73, June 13, 2011, Monday’s Wash Day

91.7 miles, averaging 12.8 mph

Route from Manheim to Boulder Woods Campground, Green Lane, PA

Best Moment – Taking Route 29 from Phoenixville to Green Lane wasn’t something I was looking forward to.  It is a fairly busy road built a long time ago and is thus very narrow.  I was so very surprised to sort of accidently find the Perkiomen Trail.  It was a wonderful fifteen-mile trail to Green Lane with a gradual climb along Perkiomen Creek.  Nice!

Worst Moment – Neita had a terrible day.  When I got here, she was in a foul mood.  Can’t say that I blame her after what happened.  For starters she was on a road with limited clearance overhead.  She wouldn’t make it and had to back up on the narrow country roads.  While doing that she backed into someone’s power line and got that hung up on the top of the RV, And the GPS had her going on all of these little country roads., through the ghetto and on narrow one lane roads in some city.  To make things even worse, she ran into some barriers near one of the toll booths and sort of creased one side of Ruby. 

As I left Ruby this morning, I cycled through some of the most superb rural landscape to date.  There are incredible dairy farms, so I had the rich smell of the dairy operations mixed with the fresh clean air from last night’s rain and the wonderfully fragrant honeysuckle.  It was an olfactory delight!

There are a number of Amish in the area.  The women with their bonnets and long skirts were either tending the family garden or hanging wash.  I remembered that Monday is wash day, Tuesday is ironing, Wednesday is for ??? Saturday is for Baking, AND Sunday is for rest.

I got to the RV about the same time that Neita was getting things set up, oiled the chain and checked the tires, then went for a shower.  In all of the places we’ve been this is the first time that the showers were COLD.  Thought that I was back at Camp Geronimo because they wouldn’t stay on unless I kept pulling the chain.  That might have been a good thing.

Here are a couple of photos of some of the interesting buildings I saw today. 

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