Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Three More States

Day 102, July 12, 2011, Three More States

Route from Dunkirk NY to Evergreen Lake Campground, Conneaut, OH

84.9 miles, averaging 13.0 mph

Worst Moment – When I stopped for an afternoon break, I found an independent ice cream place in Lake City, OH.  I ordered and was drinking my milkshake when a woman in a support van for another bicycle group waved me over to talk.  She was one of the adults that was with a group of teenagers who were riding from North Carolina to Niagara Falls, following the Underground Railroad Trail. 

She wanted to let me know that the place I had just ordered from had refused to let her park there to wait for the kids.  The old coot and a woman, who appeared to be his wife, had told her that furthermore he wouldn’t serve any of the kids on the ride.

How very disappointing that there is still that kind of prejudice in our country.  This old jerk didn’t even know what the kids were like before he made his decision – which was solely based on their age and what they were doing as teens and cyclists.

Best Moment – Getting to meet and have the chance to talk to such a dedicated individual that was helping kids discover such an important humanitarian part of our history was very inspiring.  Not only was she promoting their understanding of the importance of freedom and the values of the individuals that would agree to house, hide and care for fugitive slaves, but also helping teenagers find a healthy active way for them to spend part of a summer.  

Later I saw many of the kids (those who weren’t in the SAG vehicle) and their adult leaders working to climb or soaring down the hill into Lake City.  They looked like awesome kids.  I commend and applaud what this woman and the other leaders are doing for youth.  I denigrate what the proprietor and his wife did to make their journey less pleasant.  The woman indicated that this was the only place on the entire route where the owner was so mean spirited.

Today, much of the route went through acres and acres of grapes.  It is amazing to see the vineyards right down to Lake Erie.  On my right hand side were vineyards and the lake and on the left were vineyards and in the distance mountains.  I probably passed at least three wineries.  The roads had painted wine bottles as markers for the different bicycle rides. 

When I left our RV on stilts, (due to the very sloping site) it was overcast and about 74 degrees.  Around noon, when I ate lunch at the marina in Erie PA, it cleared up and got a bit toasty.   About 2 I crossed into Ohio – my third state for the day.  We are staying in Conneaut, which is right on the Ohio/Pennsylvania border. 

After I arrived, we took off on Rocket for wine tasting.  The first two places were closed.  Finally we found the third place open and tasted wine – not superior.  Kelly, one of the owners of this place, told us about Markko Vineyard.  While not capable or replacing California wines, these were pretty tasty!

Neita had been looking forward to dinner out at the place Kelly was working since planning the route.  Unfortunately, they only served dinner Thursday through Saturday.  Kelly recommended a couple of other places in Conneaut.  We tried one and it was wonderful.

If you would like to donate to my ride, my link for the Lance Armstrong Foundation is  I really appreciate your support.

1 comment:

  1. Elaine can recall many summers at Conneaut Lake, her family's regular summer vacation spot when they didn't go to New York. Nice, comfortable spot.
